And...If you know men personally, which I doubt you do, don't be amazed that I smoke cigarettes, 30 million other Americans do too. I smoke for three reasons mostly:
1. Because I enjoy it-smoking DOES calm my nerves and helps me to relax, I also love the taste and aroma.
2. Social Reasons-Smokers have a way of coming together. I've met some interesting people over a cigarette. Some weird, some wise, others beautiful, it varies day by day. The point is, I can't say I would have met these people if it wasn't for our common love for Nicotine.
3. Smoking is Cool- Yes I said it, "smoking is cool". I was always intrigued by men and women in old movies that smoked cigarettes. I would say it's very gentleman to smoke, attractive, badass-I don't know. Smoking isn't always glamorous of course but you know damn well you'd be a smoker if it weren't for all the perceived danger.
But this blog isn't literally about cigarettes, think of the word as a metaphor, if you think of it that way, cigarettes will always be apart of the story even whe they don't appear to be a factor. This blog is about life, life as I see it through my own two eyes. It's a collection of orginal stories and articles, centered around connecting with strangers and/or sometimes being the strange man out.
We don't move backwards here, only forwards. Each post, whether it be poorly written, boring, funny, offensive or destructive represents a passing moment in time.
PS. I have two blog, so check out my other one @
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