Marc is my Mexican lawyer. We met in early September under some unusual circumstances and have grown to become best friends. Marc isn't a lawyer in the literal sense, he's more of an advisor...think Fear and Loathing.
To Marc,
When are you going to call me dude? It's been weeks since we last spoke. You ignored my pleas when I was in dire need of some advice, you missed my birthday yesterday but I got your text at 6am this morning asking if I was awake. No man, sorry, I was sleeping at 6am, not awake and not answering text messages, but I think I texted you back @ 10am saying, "now I'm awake", maybe I forgot to. Who knows?
Anyway, I've been thinking a lot. You wouldn't know but my life has come to an complete HAULT. I don't go to school anymore, don't work, shit I don't do anything. I'm starting to feel like you in some ways, falling down that slippery path that leads...NO WHERE! Lucky for me I still have a few things that I can hold onto to keep my creative juices flowin. Last night my grandparents called me and I had no good news to tell them. Couldn't even make up something interesting to tell them. Samething happened when I saw my friends. I had nothing INTERESTING to talk about. No exciting stories, no experiences, NOTHING!
I'm officially broke. I checked my bank account, I have 1.75 to my name and a bag of change by my desk. I remember the last time I was broke, it was fun. I would go into the city with no money and still find away to go to concerts and get around town. Being broke is both liberating and frightening . You know when you go out to eat at a decent place and you only have 20 bucks in your pocket, so you wait for the tab to come and in your mind your deducting every expense to see if you have enough money. Well there are situations like that, that make being broke a bit awkward at times, but other than that, it's good to be FREE again.
I think sometimes freedom can be scary. That might be why you're so unsure of the future. Now that I actually have nothing to do, and everything is pretty much on the table with my parents as far as school, work and ambition, I feel....weird. It's almost like I have too much freedom.
No more 9-5. Well I never did have a 9-5. I don't think anyone has a 9-5's anymore, people just work when they have time. Yesterday it was my birthday and my Dad came home for an hour @ 7pm to eat cake and then he went back to his office to work. What kind of schedule is that? What happened to when my Dad used to go to work @ 7am and get back @ 7pm for dinner.
Shit, anyway man. I hope you're doing alright. The good thing is, I know you didn't kill yourself, or if you did, you killed yourself sometime after 6am this morning. Keep sending me those text messages early in the morning so I know you're alive man.
The Pop Guru
PS. I saw a documentary called Marijuana Inc on MSNBC or some shit. We should head to Cali.
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