Monday, November 17, 2008

To Andre 3000, Terminal 5 Security and the NYPD

Last night I saw Girl Talk perform at Terminal 5. I got thrown out (literally escorted from the stage to the sidewalk across the street of the venue by 4 security guards) maybe half way through the show.

"YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE"-New York City police officer, 11/16/08, Terminal 5


After I got thrown out, I-YES I...called the cops
To The NYPD Officers Last Night

"Thanks for ALLL the help" I said sarcastically under my breath as I walked away from the two white police officers sitting in their patrol car.

All at once both of the police officers crept up behind me, in the fashion that they do when they're about to take out their cuffs and read you your Maranda Rights. One police officer, who described his peer as his "partner", got with in two inches of my face. He was my height, a bit stocky and had a clean shaven head and face. He was visibly in raged by my comments and made sure to "act" as intimidating as possible.

"Am I getting arrested" I said in my head, over and over again.

Ugly ass "event staff"
"Now I know why you got thrown got thrown out because YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE" The police officer laid into me pretty good. People watched from the smokers area as this 250 pound NYPD officer cursed me out with a 1 minute monologue on how much of an asshole I am. He might have called me some other things like "prick", "jerk", "jerk off" but I was too rattled to pay attention. In retrospect I really should have filmed the whole thing.

"Now get your fucking shit, and LEAVE the property, before you become my property". He yelled.

I couldn't say anything. One more smart comment and my ass would spend a night in jail so I was forced to swallow my pride and take shit from this guy.

The officer definitely had a point. I deserved to get thrown out. I was being a prick to Terminal 5 security because they wouldn't let me on stage. They had the right to ASK me to leave. They had the right to ESCORT me out if I didn't leave. They did not have the right to grab me, and throw me on the ground outside of their venue.

Thanks for the help guys,


Andre 3000 @ Terminal 5
To Terminal 5 Security and Andre Benjamin,

You guys really take your job wayyy too seriously. I certainly was not being aggressive about getting a stage. Don't you understand, it wasn't ME pushing, it was the dozens of people behind me fighting to beat me for my spot. I asked nicely, REPEATEDLY to get let on stage to take pictures. I was alone, I was kind, I was deserving, why couldn't you let me, one person, on stage? Because you care that much about your job? Well if you cared about your job, I mean REALLY cared, you wouldn't have let anyone on the stage and you certainly wouldn't have let all those girls pass by for giving you a smile.

How many blow jobs did you get that night for being such a tough security guard?

After being thrown out...still cooool.
And to Andre 3000 for ESCORTING me out of the venue. It took 4 people to kick me out, did you really need to put me in a head lock and throw me to the pavement? It was very ungentleman of you to plow down that girl at the bar with my fragil body. Somewhere in our constitution, we were given the right to FREE SPEECH. I had every right to riel up the crowd like that.
"On three, everybody PUSHHH"

I think I also have the right to take YOUR picture at a public venue during a concert. Maybe if you weren't so concerned with me, you would have thought to smile. Why so uptight man, it's Girl Talk, lighten up.

Uptight "Event Staff"

I'll see you guys Tuesday.


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