Monday, November 17, 2008

A Lesson on Spending in NYC


A Lesson on Spending in NYC

"Always dress warm, you never know which night you'll have to sleep outside" Homeless man, NYC

Goin' Places?

Yesterday I spent almost 12 hours in NYC and only spent 20 dollars on a ticket to go see Girl Talk. I didn't deprive myself of water, food, shelter or transportation either. Here's how...

Not getting off to a good start, I woke up late and missed my appointment with Julia. No worries, I'm not going to stress over something that's no big deal. Julia and I rescheduled for Tuesday @ 2:30 which might work out better anyway.

I have money issues. I'm on my way into Manhattan only with 20 dollars. I spent all the money I made delivering pizza, something like a hundred and change in a few days, on top of that, I have nothing to show for it-nothing at all.

I only have three cigarettes and there's no chance of buying them in the city, cigarettes are 10 dollars in Manhattan.

Goin' Places? 02

I don't know how I'm gunna go to this concert with only 20 bucks to spend on a sold out ticket. I hope it doesn't rain either because its cold and I forgot my umbrella @ home.

To be broke and cold in new york city. Lifting red bulls from walgreens. Hoping turnstiles. Its all part of survival. I'm on the subway right now headed uptown to terminal 5 with the same 20 dollar bill I came with. That money is for my ticket, everything else in the city is free today.

The Furthur 2008
The key to getting away with petty crimes is to dress the part of someone with money. Don't dress like a thug, or homeless person, dress with the same class that you would if you HAD money. It's amazing what you can get with, with a peacoat and kind word. I always try to present myself as a well mannered person, even when I'm stealing from people right under their noses. No one expects the guy wearing the $250 peacoat to be stealing redbulls from the fridge, right?

West is the opposite direction of east, make sure you know that when you're walking in the city. Sounds like common sense, right? Not when its cold and you're slightly dissasociated and you're more worried about other things like how you're gunna get a ticket for 20 bucks to a sold out show and you're also thinking about being sick from all the cold weather.

Smiling Faces
No money for a cab obviously, had to walk alllll the way across town. From 3rd ave to 11th ave or something ridiculous like that; In the cold, with no hat, scarf or gloves. Then again after you've been in the cold for so long your body starts to get numb and cold actually feels normal.

I saw a homeless guy begging for money in shorts and a thin sweatshirt, with NO SHOES, or SOCKS on. How do you think he felt? Comfortable?

I finally made it to Terminal 5, something like 610 West 56th st. Someone told me THIS was a bad area? I see my favorite scalper named Sid. He remembered me! I asked him about his "son", he said he was coming home for Thanksgiving.

Then I found someone selling a ticket.
"Are you selling an extra ticket for Girl Talk?"


"How much?"


"Hows twenty sound...I realllly wanna see the show and I have no more money, I came all the way from..."

"Sure man, I just wanna get rid of it anyway"
Courtney thanks for checking my coat and backpack for me, you're a sweet heart! I was in the city from 2pm to 1am and only spent 20 dollars, I'd say that's pretty damn good.

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