Sunday, December 21, 2008

Photographic of the Day 1.0

So after a long week, and a long night of work, my "boss" instructs me to make a "delivery" and on the way back to the restaurant, pick up 4 big macs; two for himself, one for me, and one for the "chef". I make the delivery with no problems, pull into McDonald's parking lot, which was practically an ice rink after all the snow and freezing rain, get out of my car, almost slip, walk to the entrance of McDonalds and I see...

I thought it was a joke, so I laughed and walked to the second entrance, hanked the door a few times and realized this was no joke. Someone was seriously having a party in a McDonalds. I peer into the window and notice all of 3 people walking around with balloons and birthday hats.

"How innocent".

Photographic of the day might be a new series of posts, so if you have an interesting photo email it to me and I might post it-